*people always look what they have done,but they dont try to look what they want to do.
*what doenst kill me today,make me alive for tomorrow.
*if we broke our neighbour's glass,we can say sory for them and they will say"neva mind..i'll fix it or buy a new one.."
but are we know in their heart,nope and neva...
coz the good one will shut their mouth for their friend's sake of goodness...=)
*where i come from,people dont talk,unless they have something to say.

Monday, December 13, 2010

"to love is a risk not to be loved, but a person who risks nothing, do nothing, is actually nothing."

*If we have try but get a worse result,its better than we have not try it and only dream for a good result...

*A person that do nothing is useless,cant be trusted and much more...believe him/her only will make us suffer

*we need to sacrifice something to achieve more in th future=)

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